Sunday, May 1, 2011

Norway Day 5 - May 1, 2011

Today, was a travel day of sorts. We departed from Trondheim and headed to Bergen, Norway. We had to fly on Norwegian Air, what a treat! That airline has figured it out, how to make everyone happy, comfortable and on time! It was only a 50 minute flight, but I snuck some pictures from the air. We checked into our hotel, the Radissson Blu, Norge- it is a wonderful hotel. The room is fantastic, apparently we were upgraded as VIP's to the business class!

Since we are only here for a couple of days, we decided to start our sightseeing adventure. We headed out into the mall toward the famous fish market. (It is like a giant Nicollet Mall around here.) First, we had a quick stop for a couple of Norwegian Draft beers at a very popular restaurant for locals: Pepe's Pizza (you read right, the norwegians LOVE pizza). We weren't hungry yet, so we got two drafts for a mere $27 american dollars. There was a quote we read in the Norwegian Air magazine that was right on--"you need to remortage your house and put your 11 year old to work, to enjoy a long weekend in Norway." Now we know why Grandpa Nilsen left! Beautiful country, but not sure how people can even drive around here. Gas I thought was the same as ours, so I politely remarked to someone that ours was just as expensive-I feel your pain. However, he remarked "no, not really, we pay 3.00 a liter and there are three liters in a gallon." Yikes no wonder why everyone drives little cars around here.

We ended up taking the famous Floibanen furicular, Bergen's most popular attraction. It is like a giant tram that runs up Mount Floyen from the City Centre. The view at the top is stunning as you can see, but Mom elected to hang out by the Troll and stayed clear of the railings! (See any family resemblance?) It really was neat.

Then we headed back to our hotel, but first caught a glimpse of a rather unique McDonald's. (Note all of the kids in the red pants---it is a big deal around here. Apparently all high school seniors have to wear those pants and do crazy things May 1-17th! That is why they are crawling on the ground. (Noah-I tried to get you a pair, as I knew you would wear them to school-but no luck! You have to be a high school senior).

We are back in the hotel and getting things together for a day of sight seeing tomorrow. Who knows what adventure we may encounter.

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