Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Planes, Trains and Automobiles - IV Day 5

Well this was our first full day in Washington, DC our Nations Capital! We were very excited to start seeing the sights, it was a lovely day out as well. Not a cloud in the sky! This ended up being a crazy day as well, a lot lost...but found again. (More about that later). We took the subway up to capital hill to check out the new "CVC" Congressional Visitor's Center and the Library of Congress. We also had a "Spy in the City" experience and a evening tour of the Monuments. Needless to say...a FULL day!

It is a very busy week in DC, so we do have lines from time to time. The Library of Congress was one of those places, however, we lucked out and got a tour and an opportunity to learn more about the the building and its contents, we even got a sneak peak at the "reading room." Very cool place, the kids thought. Leah especially charmed the children's reading room librarian and scored some book marks for her classmates. Noah and Guy were also very surprised to learn that Jerry Jones and his wife started the campaign to locate the reminder of Thomas Jefferson's books. The collection is ALMOST complete.

After we left the Library, we headed over to the "CVC". It is a very new addition to the capital tour experience and very informative. However, it is very busy and bustling with kids all over! That is why when you realize you have lost something, it seems like the craziest place in the world. First, I lost my very nice sunglasses (because you have to take everything off to get through security...then....Guy, lost his wedding ring. Yes, you read right, his wedding ring. It slipped off his finger. So in typical Penny fashion, I attempted to stay calm and began questioning everyone on where to go, etc..., the good news...we found both. His ring was in our back pack apparently lost when he was digging though looking for my sunglasses. I also found my sunglasses at the security checkpoint. So, a lot of stress but it all worked out.

The next activity was a request of the kids...a "Spy in the City" activity. We visited the Spy Museum, where we signed up to take the Operation Catbird Mission. Well, lets just was ok for Mom and Dad, and likely a highlight for Noah and Leah. They really enjoyed the challenge. We thought you likely only needed ONE GPS device for the entire family, NOT four. However, Leah has said she wants to do Operation Slyfox next time.

Finally, we wrapped up the day with a evening trolley tour of the Monuments. This would have been great, but the trolley company sold too many tickets and we ended up not leaving right away and didn't get home until almost 11:00 p.m. It was a nice tour, but I think seeing the monuments during the day is good for first timers, like Noah and Leah. However, the MLK Memorial was stunning and impressive at night as well! All in all, very successful day. However, we will likely sleep in...

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