Sunday, July 26, 2015

PTA: VII Day #2, Friday, July 24, 2015 On the road again...tackling Nebraska!

We set off early today to conquer the state of Nebraska.  What I mean by conquer, is that it has a very flat terrain, that doesn't give you much in terms of distractions for a long day of driving.  Our goal for the day, was to reach Denver, Colorado.  So, it was certain to be a long day!

As the kids finally could appreciate the state of Nebraska is very flat!  Hundreds of miles of this can get a little boring.  So we were always looking for some unique architecture, sign or landmark.  We were certainly not disappointed.

One highlight for me, was this very unique structure off the main highway, but entirely visible from the highway in Gretna, Nebraska.
As it turns out, it is a church. The Holy Family Shrine, it is fairly new.  It appears to have been built in 2002.  It is so unique looking, worthy of a peek! We also saw some unique road signs.  However, they came up so fast we couldn't take a picture, so you will have to take our word for it.  My favorite in Sterling, Nebraska:  "Correctional Facility:  Don't Stop for Hitchhikers."

We ended up making great time to Denver, special thanks to the change to the mountain time zone.  (Turn your clocks back an hour).  We were able to meet a long time childhood friend of ours.  Someone that both Guy and I grew up with; Chris Kissell.  To those of you that are wondering who he is, Chris is the fool that packed up and moved to Florida and never came back home.  He claims it was too cold here.  I think his blood must be thickening, because he has moved to a bit cooler climate now, Denver, Colorado.  We figured it was a great night and we had not yet experienced a game at Coors Field, so we invited Chris to join us for the game. (Ironically, it was his first game as well).

What a game it was, the Rockies actually pulled a rabbit out of their hat and made it a game! An exciting one at that.
Chris AKA "George" & Guy at Coors Field

Leah and Noah (note his 2nd new hat of the trip)

After the game, we said our goodbyes to Chris and headed our separate ways.  Our separate way, included walking through clouds of cannibis smoke.  Not sure how healthy it was for the kids, but they seem unaffected by the 2nd hand smoke.  However, certain there will be warning signs up in Colorado soon.   Warning people of the dangers of 2nd hand smoke.  My favorite line of the night came from Leah, as we were driving through downtown Denver, in the very busy, loud and open doors everywhere, bar scene..."Wow, it is crazy around here.  They (the Rockies) must not win very often."

We finally made it home, but the elevation was starting to bug Guy, so a good rest is what we planed before our next adventure.  

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